Friday, December 4, 2009

So what is Bioharmony?Bioharmony is comparable to physiological homeostasis (the internal, natural equilibrium of the human body). At the micro level it is a goal for you to aim towards: positive, balanced levels of physical, mental, spiritual and emotional fitness.Bioharmony at the micro level enables one to counter or repel the different forms of stress that are prevalent in everyday modern life and which, if not resisted, reduce the ability of the immune system, the nervous system and the endocrine system function efficiently and effectively. When the nervous system is affected hormonal and chemical balances are disturbed, and the body may loose homeostasis (the physiological balance of the body, also referred to as 'milieu interior'). When homeostasis is lost, there is a loss of health somewhere in the body.At the macro level it should be an 'aspired-for' state of equilibrium between all living organisms and their environment. (The phrase 'aspired for' is used because man has created disharmony, due to activities such as environmental pollution, destruction of rainforests, and the forced removal of indigenous peoples from their natural and historical surroundings
© Jay Carson 1998 - 2009